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Configure various settings through environment variables.

General Settings

  • LOG_LEVEL: Logging level (debug, info, warn, error). Default: debug.
  • NODE_ENV: Node environment (development, production). Default: development.
  • PORT: Port number for the application to listen on. Default: 3089.
  • CACHE_CONTROL: Cache-Control header value for the responses. Default: "public, max-age=86400, immutable".

AllowBlock List

  • ALLOW_LIST: Comma-separated list of allowed domains for screenshots. If undefined or empty, all domains are allowed. Example:,
  • BLOCK_LIST: Comma-separated list of restricted domains for screenshots. If undefined or empty, all domains are allowed. Example: BLOCK_LIST=localhost,

Playwright Options

  • BROWSER_TIMEOUT: Browser timeout in milliseconds for rendering. Default: 10000.
  • BROWSER_WAIT_UNTIL: Event to wait for before considering the page loaded. Valid options: 'load', 'domcontentloaded', 'networkidle'. Default: 'domcontentloaded'.

Connection Pool Options

  • POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS: Idle timeout for browser connection pool in milliseconds. Default: 15000.
  • POOL_MAX: Maximum number of connections in the browser pool. Default: 10.
  • POOL_MAX_WAITING_CLIENTS: Maximum number of waiting clients for the browser pool. Default: 50.
  • POOL_MIN: Minimum number of connections in the browser pool. Default: 2.

Default Browser Options

  • DEFAULT_WIDTH: Default width of the rendered image in pixels. Default: 250
  • DEFAULT_HEIGHT: Default height of the rendered image in pixels. Default: 250
  • DEFAULT_VIEWPORT_WIDTH: Default width of the browser viewport in pixels. Default: 1080
  • DEFAULT_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT: Default height of the browser viewport in pixels. Default: 1080
  • DEFAULT_IS_MOBILE: Whether to emulate a mobile device. Default: false
  • DEFAULT_IS_FULL_PAGE: Whether to capture the full page or clip the page at the viewport height. Default: false
  • DEFAULT_IS_DARK_MODE: Whether to request dark mode. Default: false
  • DEFAULT_DEVICE_SCALE_FACTOR: Default device scale factor (e.g., 2 for retina displays). Default: 1

Metrics and Encryption

  • METRICS: Enable or disable metrics collection. Default: false.
  • CRYPTO_KEY: Encryption key for sensitive data.

Storage Providers

The project supports multiple storage providers for caching rendered images. The storage provider can be configured using the STORAGE_PROVIDER environment variable. The available storage providers are:

Stub Storage Provider (default)

The stub storage provider is a placeholder storage provider that doesn't actually store or retrieve images, it simply logs debug messages. It can be used for testing or when storage functionality is not required.


The filesystem storage provider allows storing and retrieving rendered images on the local filesystem.

  • STORAGE_PROVIDER: "filesystem"
  • IMAGE_STORAGE_PATH: The directory path where images will be stored


The S3 compatible storage provider allows storing and retrieving rendered images using Amazon S3.

  • AWS_BUCKET: The name of the S3 bucket to store images
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS access key ID
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS secret access key
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: The AWS region for S3 (default: "us-east-1")
  • AWS_FORCE_PATH_STYLE: Set to true to use path-style URLs for S3 (default: false)
  • AWS_ENDPOINT_URL_S3: The endpoint URL for S3 (optional)


The CouchDB storage provider allows storing and retrieving rendered images using CouchDB.

  • STORAGE_PROVIDER: "couchdb"
  • COUCH_DB_PROTOCOL: The protocol for connecting to CouchDB (e.g., "http" or "https")
  • COUCH_DB_USER: The CouchDB username
  • COUCH_DB_PASS: The CouchDB password
  • COUCH_DB_HOST: The CouchDB host
  • COUCH_DB_PORT: The CouchDB port
  • COUCHDB_DATABASE: The name of the CouchDB database to store images (default: "images")

Released under the MIT License.